
E-books for sale from Sarah Neville-Graven | Knutsford Childminding

If you want to buy any of the e-books, contact me with a list and your details and I will send you payment information:  knutsfordtrainingconsultancy@gmail.com.

See terms and conditions of sale at the end of this page for more information. 

1 – Multicultural activities planning  a huge 4 chapter activity planning e-book with group activity ideas for spring, summer, autumn and winter, marking / celebrating multicultural and diverse celebrations and festivals throughout the year so you can teach the children about similarities and differences in their world and ‘life in modern Britain’. An overview chapter looks in detail at how multicultural planning can be included into your day-to-day curriculum – £11.00

3 – World religions themed planning – 1 chapter answering all your religion questions for pre-school age children and older. A great way to provide evidence to Ofsted that you are promoting inclusion – £5.00

4 – Supporting children’s behaviour – 4 chapters packed full of behaviour support and advice, covering concerns, rewards and bullying – £11.00

5 – Risk assessments – an introduction to risk assessment over 3 chapters. Including lots of sample risk assessments and outings risk assessments. Also includes some ideas for child focused risk assessments and fire risk assessments – £9.00

6 – Outside play planning – 3 chapters containing ideas for planning and resourcing your outside provision – and lots of ideas for outside games to support children to be fit and healthy and access a minimum of 3 hours of physical activity a day – £9.00

7 – Music & rhymes planning – music and movement is an essential part of your curriculum, linking across all areas of learning. This 4 chapter e-book contains a song list with words to lots of popular early years songs and rhymes, plus some group activity planning and instrument ideas – £11.00

8 – December planning – did you know there are 13+ festivals in December? I have included planning for each, all fully linked to the areas of learning in the EYFS – £5.00

9 – Seasons planning – the group planning in this 4 chapter e-book covers activity ideas for spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is very comprehensive and one of my most popular planning e-books to support the seasonal curriculum – £11.00

10 – People who help us planning – planning to cover this popular early years theme. 1 chapter including links to the EYFS areas of learning and ideas for games and activities for different occupations – £5.00

11 – Books of the month planning 1 & 2 – a comprehensive 5 chapter e-book group themed planning for popular books to cover every month of the year. These e-books will help you to comply with the Ofsted focus on reading to children and increasing their vocabulary. I love using a ‘book as a hook’ to support children’s learning – £13.00

13 – Tracking children’s progress – including a sample ‘all about me’ form, children’s starting points documents, my tracking grid and much more… all the information you need to track children’s progress from their starting points – to help you comply with the Ofsted early years inspection handbook – £5.0014 – Observations – a detailed overview of how to observe children, notice what they are doing and share with parents to support children’s home learning – £5.00

14a – Assessment – how to assess children’s learning effectively and quickly to ensure they are making the best progress from their starting points – £5.00

14b – Individual planning – individual / next steps planning is used to enhance outcomes for children and show how children’s individual and unique needs are met in a group environment. I have given lots of examples of good practice and exemplars – £5.00

15 – Group planning – an introduction to planning for small groups of early years children – £5.00
Note: this group planning has been tried and tested in early years settings. I write the planning so you don’t have to – you can focus on the more important job of playing with the children. See Ofsted’s latest early years inspection handbook and myth busting for more information.

15a – Activity planning – curriculum planning based on popular activities for small groups of early years children – £5.00

17 – Play and learning under 3s – this very popular 2 chapter e-book contains hundreds of ideas for play for the little ones in your setting, all linked to the 7 areas of learning so you can slot it easily into your curriculum – £7.00
Note: also see e-book 43 ‘Learning and Play for children aged 3+’

18 – Reflection, self-evaluation & action planning – 2 chapters of guidance on how to self-evaluate and plan for the future – £7.00

20 – Senses planning – 2 chapters with lots of activity ideas for planning this popular early years theme… and a ‘My 5 Senses’ activity booklet for children to work through as they learn more about their senses – £7.00

21 – Healthy eating – 3 chapters full of healthy eating guidance for pre-school children including meal ideas for every day and for special occasions – plus information about the food and drink guidelines and how you can implement the recommendations in your setting – £9.00

22 – Annual planning calendar – this is a very popular (and huge) resource. The e-book contains details of over 150 celebrations and festivals and takes you through every month of the year, with lots of activity ideas for your group planning – £5.00

23 – Continuous provision planning – a 2 chapter introduction to continuous provision planning which you can use to support the learning of the children in your early years setting – £7.00

25 – Paperwork for childminders – a fully updated guide to paperwork requirements of the EYFS and Childcare Register linked to the Ofsted Early Years Inspection handbook – £5.00

28 – Record keeping – learning and development – a walk-through of how to record / plan for children’s ongoing learning, development and progress, including ideas for documentation (if required) – £5.00 

30 – World travellers planning – turn your children into global adventurers following the planning ideas in this e-book. Travel from the plains of Africa to the valleys of Wales, stopping off at 15 other exciting global destinations on the way. Experience the multicultural delights of our world from the comfort of your playroom and garden… all you need to add are resources and a little imagination – £5.00

32 – Schemas planning – a lot of early years children learn through schemas (repeated patterns of play) – this e-book looks at the most common schemas and gives lots of activity ideas which you can use to challenge the children and share with parents – £5.00

34 – The early years curriculum – a close look at how you can use each of the 7 areas of learning (communication & language, physical development, personal, social & emotional development; literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive art & design) to plan a rich and varied curriculum for early years children – £5.00

35 – My pre-school year curriculum – a detailed 2 chapter walk-through of how I plan my pre-school curriculum which you can use / adapt for the pre-school children in your early years setting – £7.00

36 – Letters and Sounds Phase 1 – a year of activities for each of the Letters and Sounds Phase 1 aspects. Letters and Sounds Phase 1 are games that help prepare children for learning phonics at school – £5.00

37 – HACCP – kitchen safety and hygiene following the guidance in Safer Food Better Business for Childminders. If you work with other childminders or assistants / staff you will need a HACCP file to show how you keep children safe and healthy – £5.00

38 – Baskets and bags planning – this e-book is packed full of ideas for resourcing your early years and / or childminding provision… for each month of our global calendar… with a huge range of multicultural and diverse resources. Every month I have looked at different global events and given ideas for the resources you might make, download, borrow, buy or adapt for use by the children. I like this one! – £5.00

39 – Engaging children in their learning – guidance to support providers with how to keep children motivated, engaged and thinking. Closely linked to the characteristics of learning – £5.00

43 – Learning and play 3+ – hundreds of activity ideas for play for the older children in your provision, all linked to the EYFS to support you when delivering your early years and pre-school curriculum – £7.00
Note: also see e-book 17 – ‘Play and learning for under 3s’.

44 – Listening to children – taking account of the voice of the child is a very important part of what early years practitioners should aim to do on a daily basis. This e-book helps you to find ways, in your daily practice, to involve children and really listen to what they say… and to use observation to identify what they are thinking and feeling – £5.00

47 – The Equality Act 2010 – all early years providers including childminders are required to work within the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010. I have also included a useful Equality Audit, which takes you through a series of questions designed to ensure equality – £6.00

51 – Money Matters – all about money, tax, national insurance etc. This is the best advice available at the time of writing and includes sample documents for completing during the year to help you keep up-to-date with your accounts – £5.00

52 – Inclusion – 3 chapters including a detailed introduction. Chapter 1 is an inclusion audit; chapter 2 covers caring for children with a range of conditions – £9.00

53 – Working with boys – boys attainment (or lack of it) is high on the Government agenda which means it is something Ofsted will focus on during inspection. This 2 chapter e-book supports you to reflect on how your provision meets the needs of boys and suggests enhancements to help you make changes – £7.00

54 – My evidence file – the contents of my evidence file (primarily for parents but also useful for Ofsted). The guidance is set out in alphabetical order and reflects the English Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) legislation – £5.00

57 – Child protection & safeguarding – comprehensive child protection and safeguarding information to help you comply with the requirements of the EYFS – £5.00

59 – Characteristics of effective teaching and learning – the characteristics of effective early learning are a key part of the EYFS. Practitioners are required to observe each child’s learning characteristics and plan to develop them – £5.00

60 – Working with parents – 4 chapters covering meetings, home learning and paperwork. The EYFS aims to strengthen partnership working with parents and ensures outcomes for children are improved through continuous information sharing. Information sharing does not need to be in writing to comply with the EYFS but it does need to be in place – £11.00

64 – Summary reports – it is important that you are able to show parents and Ofsted that each EYFS aged child is making good progress from their starting points. Summary reports are one way of doing this – regardless of whether you decide to write them or share progress verbally with parents – £5.00

66 – Working with 2 year olds – a comprehensive guide to the areas of practice you will need to consider if you intend to offer the 2 year old funded sessions including 2 year old behaviour, learning, development and teaching strategies – £5.00

67 – Ofsted inspections 2024 – 2025 – this e-book walks you through an Ofsted inspection from what happens before the inspector calls to arrange a visit to receiving your report. It reflects the revised Ofsted inspection framework – £5.00

70 – Transitions – an e-book to help you support young children’s transitions and moves to other settings including a big section on school readiness skills – £5.00

71 – Wellbeing – this 2 chapter e-book supports you with child and staff wellbeing and will help you to evidence wellbeing at inspection – £5.00

72 – Statutory Paperwork Checklist – I have been asked for a quick checklist from a number of colleagues so here you go! You can use it to work through your paperwork and tick off what you paperwork you need – £5.00

73 – Life in modern Britain – this e-book will help you to evidence a common Ofsted focus point – how well you support children for starting school, life-long learning and life in modern Britain – £5

74 – Children’s starting points – guidance and support to help with the initial starting points discussion with parents which will enable practitioners to plan for individual learning from day 1 in the setting – £5.00

Terms and conditions of sale

Please read these terms and conditions carefully as they form part of the buyer / seller agreement between us. If you have any questions about my e-books or these terms and conditions, please let me know:

**You need to email me with your order – then I can send you an invoice with my bank details. 

**I will not send your e-books until you have paid your invoice. Your invoice will come from Sarah Graven (my married name).

**E-books are emailed – if you do not provide an email that works, I cannot send you your e-book.

**Files are in Adobe Reader format; the staff paperwork bundle is in Microsoft Word so it can be adapted.

**In places, I refer to other websites. I cannot be held responsible for websites which change or for the content or availability of the sites.

**I include a disclaimer in all my e-books – please read it carefully.

**Like any author, I have researched and read lots of reference materials before writing these e-books. I reference all sources of information where possible.

**Please see copyright protection information in all my e-books and copyright on every page of my writing.

**Do not ask for returns or refunds – it is impractical to refund once you have received your e-book.

Thank you. Sarah 

Updated 01.2024